Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht

Care, research and education are the three mainstays of UMC Utrecht. These mainstays are inextricably intertwined in our ongoing efforts to improve people’s health. Leading scientific research, groundbreaking innovation and collaboration with patients and other interested parties form the basis of our first-rate healthcare. UMC Utrecht is quick and eager to put improvements into practice. High-quality education guarantees the influx of new talent required to maintain and strengthen our position at the forefront of healthcare. The UMC Utrecht employs 952 scientific research staff and there are 213 professors. The academic hospital employs 1,690 PhD students and in 2022, 223 PhD students obtained their PhD degrees. In 2022, there were 3,020 scientific publications, 85% of which were Open Access. UMC Utrecht has a center of expertise for hereditary and congenital kidney and urinary tract disorders. Patients with cystic kidneys, early kidney failure or disturbed kidney lineage (renal hypoplasia/dysplasia/agenesis) can come here for diagnostics, treatment, hereditary counselling and scientific research.

Researchers implicated in the project: Margriet Gosselink, Laura Claus, Aurelius Roskothen, Marc Lilien

Netherlands Partners

Stichting Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum

Radboud university medical center is an institute for patient care, research and education & training, located in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Our mission is to have a significant impact on health and healthcare. We aim to be a frontrunner in the development of innovative, sustainable and affordable healthcare by offering excellent quality, participatory and personalised healthcare, operational excellence and sustainable networks. Our more than 10,000 employees and over 3,000 students do their utmost every day to make a positive contribution to the future of health, healthcare and medical sciences.

Researcher implicated in the project: Mariam Aslanyan

Researcher implicated in the project: Susanne Koning

Netherlands Partners